Thursday, July 11, 2013


Duh?? But I thought... My family always seems to be in perfect sync with each other when when they talk. They speak in sync with each other and it doesn't matter what else is going on,...they always know what the other one is saying. But I'm the one who does not get heard. I try to join in conversations like those around me, and I'm ignored. I have to say things 3 to 5 times before they are even heard. I begin a sentence and I'm completely cut off. I sit between my family, trying to literally be in the middle of what's going on. It never ceases to amaze me, because my family will talk AROUND me and OVER me to each other, but I get cut off, and am not heard. I try to explain my position, and just sound completely ridiculous because the only problem seems to be that I am just too sensitive(maybe...but I can't help it.). I end up sitting on the sofa, just looking at my IPad, and grinding my teeth because I want to be heard, but I can't. When I raise my voice, I seem to just disrupt the flow of everything. My family is in sync with each other, and then they look at me like; "What's your problem?"

Most of the time, I don't really know how to get excited about the stuff my family goes on about. I find that I usually have to hear a conversation about three times before I can really respond to it the way I want. The first time, would simply be to take it all in, and make sure I understand what it's about! The second time would be to pick through and find the parts that best relate to me, and that I'm interested in. The third time would be to put together something thoughtful in response that I really want to say. However, this "process" is not real life. I only get one shot, and I'm dealing with switching subjects and sarcasm, and loud voices and jokes, and whatever is on TV. And that's another thing: Why does everybody always wait until I'm trying to watch TV to talk about everything under the sun?? I'll be watching a program that I've been waiting to watch ALL DAY, and THEN my family will start talking back and forth to each other, across the living room and the kitchen.

It is at this time that I officially become the "bad sport" because I literally become a spoiled sport. I have to get as close to the TV as possible, so I can try to hear what's going on. If ever I ask that others hush so that I can hear what's going on, I can tell that they don't get what my problem is. Then they feel nervous, like they can't say anything. (No... Just quiet down so I can hear!). The other thing I never understand is that supposedly, my family wanted to watch the same show too. But then they talk through it...loudly, and usually about things that have NOTHING to do with what's on TV.

Well...I can't hear. I can't concentrate. I can't enjoy the show because all the noise just gets mixed together and I can't process what's going on. But the worst is yet to be told :). At any given point somebody will suddenly go "So what happened?". I don't know...because I'm finding out what's happening at the same time they are...and I'm now being interrupted by someone asking me to explain what's going on! This just distracts me even further! So then, that person goes: "Well, you've been watching it, haven't you?". Strange. At the risk of just being a selfish brat: Umm, doesn't anyone else get that maybe if they would shut the hell up, I would KNOW what was going on?? Doesn't anyone else get that they said THEY wanted to watch this too...and now they're just being rude?? Doesn't anyone else see me sitting as close to the TV as possible so I can hear?? Doesn't anyone else hear me trying to " break into" this conversation so that I don't just sit there with a bad attitude all night? Doesn't anyone else get that I'm just trying to "join" what's going on, so that I don't give others the feeling that I'm being rude to them?? No. They don't even notice.

But if I get Mad, and I tell them how I feel, and I let them know that I'm I'm the one who's being rude to THEM... I'm the one with the bad attitude (they think)...I'm the one with the problem. It's ridiculous! And people wonder why those with autism are not very sociable! One minute people feel the need to remind me that I need to say something when something is wrong. The next minute, I'm trying to say that something is wrong, and I feel like I have to scream to do it because nobody hears me, and then people don't want to talk to me because they don't know what my problem is. Such is life, in an Autistic's world, I think. They say, don't sweat the small stuff. What if all you have is "the small stuff"? Amazing, when all you want to do us live your life, and others won't let you and then they think (I'm) the one with the problem. I know this is the kind of stuff that we are supposed to just laugh off...but I don't think it's funny, myself. If this were a Dear Abbey letter...I would sign it, "Frustrated."

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