Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ten Things I'd say to an Aspie Female...

Duh?? But I thought...

Just saw a post dealing with ten things someone would say to a woman/girl with AS if they were her therapist. I was intrigued, until I realized that each one was at least two paragraphs long...and very very deep. Look, I don't know whether my attention span literally has become shorter from being online all the time, but there was no way I could read it all...too heavy. However, I did get the idea to make up my own list. So, short and sweet, here it is:

Ten Things I'd Say to an Aspie Female if I Were Her Therapist:

1. Crying is okay here.
2. You can look at the floor when you need to.
(when I ask if you understand what I mean, just nod so I know)
3. Stimming is okay. I won't mind if you rock back & forth, tap your foot, or play with your hair.
4. Pillows and comfy things are okay. Bring something to hold, squeeze, or stroke
If you like...a Teddy bear, a pillow, a ball, a ribbon.
5. I won't be offended if you show up in your PJ's
(as long as they cover everything that they should.) :)
6. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't or should not have kids (if you want them.)
7. You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
8. Everyone has the right to make an ass out of themselves,
you can't let the world judge you too much.
9. Make it a point to allow your parents to BE your parents.
Respect them, even when you don't feel they've respected you.
10. Sit back, enjoy the ride, and if you go easy on yourself you can go easy on others too.
Don't assume that you "can't"...always believe that you can...and just keep walking.
Find a safe place to go crazy when you need to...and then keep walking.

And there you have it. No doubt I could add more, but I think this about sums it up. :)

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