Thursday, March 24, 2016

Random Thoughts of an Autistic Femaile....

Duh?? But I thought...

I hate the term "Aspie" ... Sounds like a bad smelling ointment we have to put on a sore we can't get rid of.
Why do cats have sandpaper tongues? I suppose G-d made them that way...otherwise how would they take a bath? But mine licks me...all the time. Who ever heard of a licking cat? Is she part dog? I just call her cat-dog, that evens it all out. Why are the freaking TV commercials like four times louder than the show? Doesn't that just get people to leave the room quicker? Sometimes I hate Janis Joplin's voice...speaking of sandpaper. I've lied about that my whole life. I have. I think Janis Joplin was a woman in her twenties who sounded like a smoker who was in her sixties. This my friends, is why she was perfect (damn, I asked for chips & forgot all about salsa) at singing the blues. Life had taken it's toll on her...and it didn't sound too good. Maybe it wasn't supposed to. But she resonated with somebody...including me. I love "Summertime" and "Bobby McGee.". I hate her voice, but I love a couple of her songs?...yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Hell, you're weird, you know that? Yep, always have been. I pride myself on being so damn weird...and loving it...but sometimes I really hate it. I REALLY hate it. I want to be normal and pure and right and good and upstanding and all those things that in my idealistic mind, feel so good...until I realize how much they have eluded me. I hate thinking that the only way to get through life is to just be negative by default. I'd cuss about this too, but saying those things only makes you weak, not strong. I am a GOOD girl, dammit, I am, I am! And I like it that way! But when does being a "good girl" get so screwy?...I mean...I'm the most cynical person I know. Suspicious. Good Lord...suspicious of EVERYTHING!! What do you really mean? What are you REALLY trying to say? Come on, I know I musta missed something! I knew I shoulda taken some headache medicine this I've got one. Is it any wonder? You ever shut up, for crying out loud? "But honey, keepin you's the hard part, isn't it?". That's what she said, in the Rose...and I think she was right. If my thoughts were like water I could solve our drought problems for 20 years. Sometimes I meet somebody, and I think I'll just love them forever and ever...which is wonderful...but idiot! You don't KNOW them! You don't know anything about them! Damn, anybody got any Rocky Road? This typing is starting to look like one long Torah scroll...except that a Torah scroll doesn't even have punctuation. So, how do you remember where anything is? No chapters, no do you keep track? I suppose this is what Torah portions are for...this is the "part" for today. Dude, you think you're going crazy? I'm the one who can't shut it off. No wonder I always wanna sleep at odd hours...I can't get my brain to shut up!!

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