Saturday, July 28, 2012

Oh, I Didn't Think of it That Way...

If I had a dollar for every time my teeth clenched with embarrassment because the point I made was different from everyone in the room, I'd be a rich woman. Just last night, my mom, my sister and I were talking about what each of us would do if we had a million dollars. My answer went like this: I would buy whatever car I wanted, and hire someone to drive me everywhere. I'll talk more about driving later, but anyway, my mom had once helped care for an elderly person who could no longer drive, so mom drove her around. It was HER car, but mom drove her around. I thought this was ingenious! So, I figured someday I would do that too. This would give someone else a job, while taking away any driving anxiety I had. Together, my mom and sister both said: "Just call a limo!" "Oh yeah, well" I said. My answer took a paragraph & included a memory from years ago. My mom & sister's answer took four words, was simultaneous, was much simpler & much more FUN, and quite OBVIOUS to both... DUH! Why wasn't that obvious to me? It was as if it were so went right past me. Such is just one example of when this sinking, LOW feeling comes over me. It's chronic. That's all I can say. It's all I can do to keep from running out of the room, hiding in a corner, and crying. Well. I'd at least have to talk it all out... How incredibly ridiculous I feel... And stupid, because I absolutely blew it. WHY couldn't I think of that?? It was as if I was on a whole different plain of reality than they were.

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