Monday, November 19, 2012

I Understand

If mobility is a challenge for someone, they will probably have trouble meeting someone... That's just the way it is. There are all kinds of wonderful meetings and groups out there, but if a person can't get to them, it's hard for them to be motivated or meet people. The thing is... This can really sour the attitude and turn someone into a person that is not easy to be around.

Today's entry is for those who are really hurting because life's circumstances have worn you down... And you're not sure what to do about it. Maybe you don't drive, and it's hard for you to get anywhere. Maybe you live in an area where the nearest bus stop... Isn't near you. Maybe, for this reason, it's very challenging for you to be sociable. Maybe you don't mind asking people for rides, but it's a tricky thing because others are always busy with their jobs and their spouses and their kids (you know, those things you wish you had, but you can't get out and meet someone). I understand.

Maybe you feel frustrated because you can't really talk to anyone about it because they think you're just feeling sorry for yourself. Maybe they go on and on and on because they think you're supposed to be so happy that you're single. Maybe, you're actually glad that you don't have much to do in a day, because it lessens your anxiety.... But at times the boredom and the loneliness just make you wanna come out of your own skin. Maybe, the feeling of disconnect drives you crazy. You just wanna be a part of something going on out there but it's incredibly difficult to get out there. I understand.

Maybe sometimes you wonder if you could stay in bed forever. Maybe, you're fighting this... Nobody was ever REALLY made for it but the idea is looking more and more attractive all the time. Maybe, yo've been blessed with a little bit of money, but not quite enough to do anything really significant with it. Try as might to save, and have some extra, you're still living month to month to month. Maybe you're constantly thinking "What do I do now?". Maybe you can't say this out loud because it just brings people down. Maybe, you live alone and just need someone to talk to. Maybe you've found an outlet in social media, and someone has chastened you for it, because they say THAT'S THE REASON you never go out and do anything. Maybe social media makes you sick now because you're tired of watching most other people's lives get better than yours... With all the the trips they are on and stuff. The new jobs, the promotions, the stupid, pink hearts saying that SOMEBODY ELSE is in a relationship.... and all you want is half a chance! Oh, my friend! I put my arms around you and give you big hugs because I understand!

I wish there were people permanently employed to pick people up and spend the day with them. You need to go to the grocery store?...the mall?... The park? Sure! You have a meeting you need to get to? No problem! Maybe you have a job and you need a mode of transportation more reliable than the city bus. Maybe the same goes for church on Sundays. Maybe you went to a church that you loved for years, but you and someone there had a falling out. Maybe, you love that person, but you're simply not sure how to deal with what happened. Maybe, because you have mobility issues, it's not that easy for you to just go out and find another one. Maybe, the same thing goes for a Bible Study. Gee, would't that be nice?? Maybe, you just need somebody to empathize and say I understand... I do, my friend...I do. Maybe, it's gotten to where other people's confidence can even irritate you. You're happy for them, but wonder where they get it from... Can I have that myself? Maybe, you used to... But now you just wonder where it all went. Maybe, at times, you feel awful because a person this age shouldn't have this much inactivity in your life. Oh, my friend...I SO understand!!

Maybe you graduated college fairly recently, and you think that at least while you were still in school you had something to do! I understand my friend! Maybe you wanted to continue on in school, but ran out of money, and because you weren't working... Well, you get the idea. Boy, do I understand!! Maybe you had a pretty good volunteer position somewhere that you were praying would turn into a paying job. Oh, they kept hiring people, alright...but not you. Big hugs my friend...I understand where you're coming from. Maybe, you know, you have things to offer... You just wish you could let someone else know it. Big hugs to you my friend! I get it. I empathize with you and send you my prayers.

Maybe a root of bitterness has taken over your sweetness, and it just makes you wanna cry. Maybe, you don't even know how you got there, but you just wanna plead with people that this isn't the real you. Maybe you wanna tell people that you remember a time when you were happy. Sometimes you see little glimmers of it, but you still wonder where it went. I understand. My arms are around you, giving you big hugs. I tell you that sometimes, worrying about always saying the right thing is really over rated. Duh!

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