Sunday, October 14, 2012

In Reverse, Socially

Once when I was a kid, I went to the dentist. He and his assistant noticed that I wore glasses, they were asking me whether I was near sighted or far sighted. My answer was thus...

"Well, I think I'm a little bit of both."

Hey, isn't everybody? When it came to being near sighted or far sighted, I did not know that I had a choice. All people have to see both close up and far away right? So, I'm a little bit of both, right? Now don't get me wrong... I learned what they meant. (Duh). They were asking me whether I could see better close up or far away. In other words, what did I need the glasses for? My reasoning just did not work that way, so I kept saying "I'm a little bit of both.". Made perfect sense to me... But this wasn't the answer I was supposed to give. Ha ha :). Sometimes I wish I were still that child who didn't feel the pressure of figuring things out.

If my thinking is so socially backwards... Why does it make so much sense to ME? Hmmmm, I'll have to give this a little thought. Even if I were to get very creative about it, and pretend that my way of thinking were like a Super Power. :) ... How does a super power help if someone can't seem to use it in the real world? What if it makes you odd or different? I don't know, but for every negative, there is a positive! So, I'll have to think of how. Experiences like this can be used for good, and looked at as wonderful things. Anyone have any advice? Just some thoughts. :)

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