Thursday, August 2, 2012

Expert?... Me?

I've read that people with Aspurger's tend to have expert like knowledge in at least one specific area. Hmm mm... Can you be an expert in remembering song lyrics or movie lines or stories? I think this would probably be the only thing that I might say I'm an expert at. Unfortunately, this is not a practical life skill that will get me a job. As far as I know, this will not make me any money :). I'm also wonderful at remembering names and dates.... The more random, the better. It's much easier for me to recognize a person based on the sound of their voice rather than their face. I can also memorize poetry in this way when it is read to me, or I'm listening to it. It is more difficult for me to memorize what I'm reading silently because that involves the printed words. Although, when I was in 5th grade, I could read at an eighth grade level. I seem to always have been plagued by extreme sensitivity. When I was 13 years old I went to the eye doctor for a routine exam. My eyes don't work together, and the doctor could tell it. She examined me & recommended that I have eye muscle surgery. I remember being mortified because surgery, to me was like the ultimate unpredictable thing. Translation I was scared to death! I knew they would have to knock me out... What if I didn't wake up? What if something went wrong...I would not even be awake to know about it it!!!! I remember being profoundly scared. But the thing was, I had already been told (around that time) that I might consider having a different surgery. As mentioned, I was diagnosed with CP at birth. When I finally did begin walking, I would "toe walk" on my left side. This is my weaker side. Doctors at Shriner's Hospital had suggested that I have a minor surgery to lengthen the left "heel chord" (as it was explained to me.) This way, I could more easily keep the left heel on the floor as I took steps. I needed eye muscle surgery too (!!!). This was like adding huge insult to injury!! I was mortified and I began to cry. It wasn't just that I needed to do something to get help... I fell like I myself was damaged goods or something. A feeling of inadequacy rushed through me... It seemed to go all the way down to my bones. It felt like I was horrible as a person. Like I would never be good enough no matter what I did.. On top of everything, I hated myself because I was crying in the doctor's office. Just imagine every insult you've ever heard being flung at you all at one time. Anyway... OTHER people didn't CRY in the doctor's office, right? It was awful, to say the least. Why couldn't I just have a NORMAL eye exam?? So, I was further mortified when my mother decided to tell the doctor about that OTHER surgery I needed to consider. This was something I did not feel she needed to know. It was weakness (I felt) that I did not want to show. It was awful! Anyway, why had my reaction been so intense? Even I could not quite get it. Other people didn't do that... Did they? PS...My eye doctor was wonderful & understanding. I eventually did have both surgeries & I came through just fine. It took me a long time to actually get up the courage... But I did it!! Would a person with Aspurger's been able to?? I think it's possible...but would their fear just have been too great?

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